Admin & Support Staff

Lincoln Prep Administration & Support Staff

Tope, Eric »


History Department Lead

Paull, Michelle »

Assistant Headmaster, Earth Science

Science Department Lead

Schubring, Paul »

Assistant Headmaster, Ancient History

Foshie, Aaron »

Athletic Director, PE

6th Grade Level Coordinator

Manzanares, Lucas

Sports Medicine Teacher, Athletic Trainer

Randolph Gonzalez, Kevin

College Counselor

Severa, Jeni »

Family Giving and Community Engagement Officer

480 222 1507

Sylvester, Ramona

School Counselor

Cornell, Wendy

Front Office Assistant

480 424 1796

Keane, Ellen »

Lit/Comp II, Lit/Comp III

6th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 6th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 6th grade, please reach out to Amber Carlson at

Burdick, Jessica »

Ancient History, Intro to Music

Frumkin, Nathan »

Earth Science

8th Grade Level Coordinator

Foshie, Aaron »

Athletic Director, PE

6th Grade Level Coordinator

Harris, Christopher »

Studio Art, Studio Art I, Studio Art III

7th Grade Level Coordinator

Priest, Brooke

Life Science, Math Fundamentals

Rasmussen, Trent

Intro to Music, Music Theory III, Music Theory IV

Stohr, Annalise

Intro to Science

Stone, Alexander »

Intro to Science, H. Biology

7th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 7th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 7th grade, please reach out to Christopher Harris at

Atencio, Martin

Life Science

Burdick, Jessica »

Ancient History, Intro to Music

Frumkin, Nathan »

Earth Science

8th Grade Level Coordinator

Harris, Christopher »

Studio Art, Studio Art I, Studio Art III

7th Grade Level Coordinator

Keane, Ellen »

Lit/Comp II, Lit/Comp III

Poudrier, Trevor »

Studio Art II, Studio Art I, Art IV

Fine Art Department Lead

Rodriguez, Malachy »

Music Theory I, Music Theory II

Schmidt, Jonathan »

Lit/Comp II

Lit/Comp Department Lead

Schubring, Paul »

Assistant Headmaster, Ancient History

Stone, Alexander »

Intro to Science, H. Biology

8th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 8th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 8th grade, please reach out to Elizabeth Williams at

Barksdale, Karly »

Algebra I, Intervention Specialist

Frumkin, Nathan »

Earth Science

8th Grade Level Coordinator

Gray, Michael

HL II, Latin III

Keane, Ellen »

Lit/Comp II, Lit/Comp III

Kupitz, Kendall

Chemistry, Earth Science

Paull, Michelle »

Assistant Headmaster, Earth Science

Science Department Lead

Poudrier, Trevor »

Studio Art II, Studio Art I, Art IV

Fine Art Department Lead

Rodriguez, Malachy »

Music Theory I, Music Theory II

9th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 9th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 9th grade, please reach out to Joseph Frechette at

Bartels, K’Tera

HL II, Poetry

Comlan, Teko

H. Spanish I-IV

Hamilton, Chris »


Dean of Students

Hayashi, Ryan

Geometry, Alg. II w Trig

Wilson, Elliot »

French I, II, III, IV

10th Grade Level Coordinator

Stone, Alexander »

Intro to Science, H. Biology

Rasmussen, Trent

Intro to Music, Music Theory III, Music Theory IV

Taylor, William

HL II, Economics

10th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 10th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 10th grade, please reach out to Elliot Wilson at

Bartels, K’Tera

HL II, Poetry

Comlan, Teko

H. Spanish I-IV

Gray, Michael

HL II, Latin III

Hamilton, Chris »


Dean of Students

Hayashi, Ryan

Geometry, Alg. II w Trig

Kupitz, Kendall

Chemistry, Earth Science

Taylor, William

HL II, Economics

Rudd, Kalika »


12th Grade Level Coordinator

Rasmussen, Trent

Intro to Music, Music Theory III, Music Theory IV

Wilson, Elliot »

French I, II, III, IV

10th Grade Level Coordinator

Warren, Bruce »

HL III, H. Greek I-II, H. Latin V

Yu, Jaehun »

Alg. II w/ Trig

Dean of Students Math Department Lead

11th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 11th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 11th grade, please reach out to Kalika Rudd at

Acharya, Rassen »

Physics I, Physics II, Logic & Coding

Comlan, Teko

H. Spanish I-IV

Hamilton, Chris »


Dean of Students

Harris, Christopher »

Studio Art, Studio Art I, Studio Art III

7th Grade Level Coordinator

Quenneville, Joshua

Calc I, Calc II

11th Grade Level Coordinator

Rudd, Kalika »


12th Grade Level Coordinator

Warren, Bruce »

HL III, H. Greek I-II, H. Latin V

Wilson, Elliot »

French I, II, III, IV

10th Grade Level Coordinator

12th Grade Teaching Team

The teachers below all teach 12th grade. Please click on their name for their Favorite Things list!
For general questions about 12th grade, please reach out to Kalika Rudd at

Acharya, Rassen »

Physics I, Physics II, Logic & Coding

Comlan, Teko

H. Spanish I-IV

Fink, Michael

Humane Letters IV

Humane Letters Department Lead

Poudrier, Trevor »

Studio Art II, Studio Art I, Art IV

Fine Art Department Lead

Rudd, Kalika »


12th Grade Level Coordinator

Taylor, William

HL II, Economics

Warren, Bruce »

HL III, H. Greek I-II, H. Latin V

Wilson, Elliot »

French I, II, III, IV

10th Grade Level Coordinator

ESS Teaching Team

These teachers serve our ESS community here at Lincoln.
For general inquiries, please reach out to Jennifer Langdeau at

Harris, Haley

ESS Aide

Stapleton, Franita

ESS Coordinator

Thompson-Mensah, Emma

Assistant Teacher