Between Sunday, August 11 and Saturday, August 17, the Enrichment Course Payment Portal listings will be open for families to register their students. Registration for S1 Enrichment Courses will only be open in this time frame, so if your student does not get registered, they will remain in their 7th period Study Hall for the semester. Flyers will be distributed at Meet the Teacher and via email on July 30 listing out the options your students will have to sign up for. This page will be updated the first week in August with all the details!

Enrichment Courses

  • All ECs have a capacity and once it has been met, we will close registration for the semester.
  • The registration cost enrolls your student for the semester and cannot be refunded.
  • Students should be picked up on the East side of the school where normal pick-up and drop-off occur at the time the extra-curricular activity ends. The EC Lead will stay with all students there until everyone is picked up; students should not be picked up at the Front Office. All students must be picked up within 10 minutes of the end time.
  • Please reach out to the EC Lead if you need to get a hold of your student during the course. As the Front Office closes at 3:45pm, only the EC Lead will be able to assist you. Please schedule ahead of time if you know you need to pick up your student early.
  • If school is not in session or it is a half day, there will not be any ECs.


  • Siblings are not allowed to be on campus while waiting for another sibling who is attending an EC unless they are also registered to be somewhere on campus during that time.
  • Appropriate pick-up arrangements must be made for siblings if they are not participating in other activities on campus.