Academy Life
Extra-curricularĀ programs remain integral to the educational experience at Lincoln Prep. We encourage students to build communities and bonds with their peers outside of the classroom. Students also benefit from the development of habits and virtues that manifest through participating in one of the many extra-curricular programs offered at LincolnĀ Prep.
Extra-Curricular Programs
Extra-curricular programs at Lincoln Prep continue to be driven by members of our faculty and reflect the levels of student interest and engagement on campus. Clubs will take place during 7th period this year and registration will only be open for one week. Click the link to learn more.
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Payment Portal
The payment portal should be utilized to make payments for book deposits, field trips, fingerprint donations, consumable bundles, Study Club, and to register students for extra-curricular activities and sports.
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Family Handbook
Parents and guardians, please take the time to read through our entire handbook. We encourage you to read pertinent portions with your students, such as the mission statement, dress code and honor code.
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Lunch Program
We invite you to visit the Lunchkins website at where you can view the menus, learn more about this awesome lunch program, and even read bios on the chefs who prepare your students food. Lunches must be ordered in advance and are not available for purchase on campus.
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At Great Hearts schools, the student uniform is an essential part of who we are and what we do. The uniform serves to unify our students as one community of learners, irrespective of our diverse backgrounds.
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